When a new resident moves into our member-owned community in Williamsburg, Virginia, one of the most common things we hear from them is how easy it was to make new friends and get involved. Those comments are music to our ears! Although we know there are many things that make our waterfront community special, one of the most important things about Governor’s Land is our diverse group of welcoming residents!

Our Neighbor-to-Neighbor program is designed to provide outreach to those new homeowners who are just settling into their life at Governors Land. This program is made up of a group of residents who volunteer to welcome new homeowners into the community. Neighbor-to-Neighbor is also responsible for various programs including the Lending Locker, which is a way that neighbors can help each other through lending items such as equipment or supplies. 

Our Community Ambassador Program is also made up of our resident volunteers. This program pairs up new or prospective members with a current resident and a club member who have similar interests such as golfing, boating, or maybe even children’s activities. Many of our residents have met their newest best friends through this program! At Governor’s Land, our community focus is to have our new neighbors become family. We encourage our members to make new and lasting connections through our community-based programs.

We love our close-knit community and the residents who share their time and effort making sure that every new resident feels that warm Governor’s Land welcome.

To learn about becoming a resident volunteer or joining Governor’s Land community, call (757) 258-9258 or email info@tworiversclub.com today!